2019 Winners

Overall winner

Best Traineeship Manager

Training & Development

Balanced Projects

Personal Branding

Return on Investment

Performance Appraisal

2019 Best Traineeship Winner – KPN

For the second year in a row, KPN wins the award for Best Traineeship. The jury praised KPN for the program customization options which create a truly tailored traineeship.

KPN provides space for individuals to investigate for themselves what they consider essential for growth and development; this enables trainees to flourish. The freedom of choice and the variety in the projects provide a unique learning experience, and KPN’s consistency and dedication to delivering growth were highlighted throughout all the competition stages.

Best Practice Winners & Best Traineeship Manager

Award for Best Practice: Training and Development – DisGover

DisGover has invested time and energy in its training and development program, and the jury was impressed with their advancements. Trainees are now responsible for arranging the correct training for the realization of their objectives, and can personally influence the construction of the training program.

The jury recognized this innovative approach and witnessed the unique learning experience this provides to individuals.

Award for Best Practice: Balanced Projects – KPN

Trainees have the freedom of choice when it comes to projects and the various project components. There is a wide choice of assignments where the trainees also have the opportunity to initiate their own projects when they see an opportunity. Trainees are encouraged to select projects that match their learning needs and career wishes.

Award for Best Practice: Personal Branding – Gasunie

Gasunie creates a lot of opportunity for personal branding during the Traineeship, and this is why they are this year’s best in practice winners.

The involvement from management proves to be a powerful incentive for their trainees. Individuals reported they felt both confident and engaged. Each Trainee also has a mentor/coach from senior management, which in turn ensures excellent visibility at a high level in the organization.



Facilicom carefully examines the organizational needs to create meaningful and business-relevant projects for their trainees. The jury found this to be an innovative and agile approach which allowed their trainees to make a real contribution to the success of the business.

Award for Best Practice: Performance Appraisal – Enexis

Enexis are applauded for their unique performance appraisal process, and in particular, the trainee’s own responsibility in the process. Varying progress interviews take place throughout the traineeship, and precise attention is paid to the results and personal development of the trainee, in which self-reflection and a 360-degree feedback round take a prominent place.

Trainees are encouraged to step outside their comfort zone and are tasked with strategic projects that are important to the organization. The focus is on development, not on what you achieve but how you achieve it.

Best Traineeship Manager – Teun Trompert, Gasunie

The jury would like to compliment Teun Trompert personally for his involvement with the Trainees. Teun is easily accessible and approachable to his trainees. His focus on the question, “how can we improve and sharpen the traineeship?” will benefit both the trainees and the Gasunie traineeship.

The jury finds it refreshing and positive how Teun enthusiastically shapes the further professionalization of the Traineeship program and the fact that he has already made many positive changes in a short time. As an ex-trainee, he knows the organization inside out and can therefore optimally support current Trainees. It is very nice to see that Teun uses this election to learn and to make even more improvements in the program.

ALL Winners
