2020 Winners

Overall winner Best Traineeship

Enexis Groep - Best Traineeship 2020

Best Traineeship Manager Enexis Groep - Best Traineeship 2020

Learning & DevelopmentNN Group - Best Traineeship

Balanced Projects

Disgover Best Traineeship

Personal Branding

NN Group - Best Traineeship

Return on Investment Enexis Groep - Best Traineeship 2020


2020 Best Traineeship Winner – ENEXIS GROEP

Enexis Groep wins the award for Overall Best Traineeship 2020. The jury praised Enexis for the dedication to ensuring that the traineeship deliveres value to the company’s current challenges and future strategic goals as well as value to the individual Trainees.

The jury selected the Enexis traineeship for their well-rounded and thorough traineeship. The final round pitch-video showcased this strongly and represented a well balanced traineeship program with an authentic experience. 

Best Practice Winners & Best Traineeship Manager 

Award for Best Practice: PERSONAL BRANDING – NN GROUP

It is clear to the jury that the consistent foundation of the NN Group rtraineeship are the unique qualities that the trainee brings to the table. Communicated by both Trainee and Program Manager, there  just isn’t a standard mold at NN that all trainees must strive to. The overlying principle is that every trainee is unique and should learn how to utilize these innate qualities. In other words, the qualities already exist, and the traineeship facilitates the discovery, the communication and the development of their own talent(s) in a personal brand. 

Award for Best Practice: Balanced Projects – DISGOVER

The DisGover traineeship offers exposure and experience for the Trainees in varied hierarchical layers and in different environments. The project formulation at the start of each project is a strong element of the service offering of DisGover and specifically of interest in the Balanced Projects standard due to the clarity which it brings to Trainees. The clear expectations and timelines which the traineeship requires from Gemeente en Overheid managers.

Award for Best Practice: Learning & Development – NN GROUP

During the jury interviews the Trainee authentically communicated his learning curve, the impact the learning sessions had on his performance, and his appreciation for the value of L&D offering which is provided by NN. 

The Jury was impressed by the attention to ensure an embedded L&D methodology that supports NN company strategy.



Visible in both the trainee survey and the semi-final was that Enexis scored very well in this category. A focus has been on ensuring that the Traineeship Program provides Return on Investment to the Trainee and Enexis. The Traineeship Manager has a clear vision and articulation of the added value of the Traineeship Program and what it brings to Enexis. The addition of a new track to deliver to the organisations critical roles, a driver of diversity to the organisation and aligning the company’s short and long term goals directly to the Traineeship Program is a difficult and praiseworthy achievement.

Award for Best Practice: Performance Improvement – Facilicom Group

Facilicom Traineeship stood out significantly from their peers in the Best Practice Performance Improvement. Through the survey and semi-final, it became clear that continuous reflection and improvement are woven throughout the training sessions and the traineeship program itself. The creative sessions, which are driven by the trainees themselves, the intervision sessions by mentors, coaches and colleague trainees provide support and alternative perspectives to challenges Trainees face.  The Jury noted specifically that there is room for creativity by the Trainees in their learning curve and specifically room and support for the Trainees to dare to fail and learn from their mistakes. The jury noted the following quote from the semi-final “Learning is more important than protecting the result – dare to try!.

Best Traineeship Manager – Mart Koeslag , ENEXIS

This year the jury took the votes and comments from the trainee survey into account while selecting the winner of Best Traineeship Program Manager 2020. Mart was nominated by 83% of the Enexis trainees in the Trainee Survey and was supported by the jury unanimously, “The full support from your trainees is consistent with the image we have from you. Both trainees and the jury are impressed with your work.” Congratulations to winner Mart Koeslag of Enexis Groep Best Traineeship Program Manager 2020!

One of the trainees said the following about Mart:

He’s extremely committed and is driven to look for ways to improve the program. Moreover, he puts value in making sure the program has a good reputation within the company, to make sure it gets the recognition and funding it needs to be valuable for the company and the trainees.”  

ALL Winners